Sunday morning and weekday classes are places for sharing, asking questions and learning. Among topics: studying books of the Bible, exploring Luther’s Small Catechism, reflecting on the books by various Christian authors, and connecting faith and life with a focus on current events.
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL: 8:15 am, Fellowship Hall.
WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY: The study guide is "PARABLES: the Greatest Stories Ever Told” by John White. A twelve-week study concluding on March 26. Meets 10:00 am.
TUESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY: A study onthe Book of Romans. The publisher of the Study Guide (NavPress) describes it like this: "In Romans, Paul sets out to answer the question, 'What does Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection mean for my life, death, and resurrection?' Meets 6:30 pm.