Ministry Teams

EVANGELISM: Extending the ministry of the congregation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unchurched, inactive, new residents and our communities.  
FELLOWSHIP:  Promoting a Christian friendly spirit among members and friends for the building of community and care in our church family.  
CONGREGATION CARE:  provides home/hospital visits, home-bound Communion, the Sunshine Card Ministry and assistance with meals, transportation, minor home repairs/maintenance, yardwork, or a listening ear.
EDUCATION: Growing disciples of Christ through Sunday School, Bible study groups, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, and libraries for children, youth and adults. 
OUTREACH:  Sharing God's love, and with Christ seeks to help the poor, hungry, abused and homeless by supporting local and international agencies and non-profit groups.
PROPERTY:  Ensuring the proper maintenance and repair of church buildings, as well as care of the church grounds and parking lot. 
STEWARDSHIP:  Helping POP members discover the many gifts they have been given and aiding the members in finding ways to use these gifts to God’s glory.
WORSHIP:  Strengthening the spiritual lives of individuals and the faith community through prayer and praise, the spoken Word, music, drama and the visual arts, all in response to God's gracious gifts of life, forgiveness, salvation. 
CHILDREN/YOUTH MINISTRY:  Empowering their life-long journey of “knowing Christ and making Christ known” through worship, learning, fellowship, witness and service.
